Pornography and Sex Addiction

Do you waste time thinking about sex? Does this affect – Your day? Your productivity? Your relationship? Family life?

Do you get off track during internet searches – and find yourself looking at porn sites? And do hours go by without accomplishing your original task? Does your habit feed ‘procrastination’?

Have you found that it is more difficult to get aroused with your sexual partner, causing difficulties with erections or the ability to reach orgasm? In contrast, it is easy to orgasm whilst watching porn, yet you have noticed that you have needed to escalate the level of explicitness of sexual images to be able to be sexually satisfied?

Has your partner complained that you are spending more time with porn images than being intimate with them?

Do you find yourself seeking multiple sexual partners – is this having a negative effect on your life?

Sexual problems experienced with a partner develop for many people who watch porn regularly. These are reversible with therapy.

When a hobby, activity or fantasy interrupts our everyday lives – particularly our productivity, work, family or intimate relationships, it is important to seek help.

Sex addiction can take several forms: excessive time spent on sexual thoughts and fantasies or an excessive focus on the engagement in sexual activities. Some people spend so much ‘thinking time’ or Internet ‘looking time’ on sex to the detriment of their work or relationships.

Since the ready availability of explicit sexual material on the internet, I have had many more people consult me about the effects of viewing pornographic material on their lives. Many people don’t go looking for sexual entertainment online, however, once they find material that engages them, it can take up hours of viewing that could have been spent more productively. I can help people make the changes that fit better with their needs and goals.

When a partner finds out about your viewing of sexually explicit online material, there can be various responses. The ones who are happy for their partner’s viewing of this material do not seek my help. For those who are faced with upsets with their partner due to a mismatch of beliefs, my therapy style can help resolve these concerns.

It is not for the therapist to moralise or judge whether sexual material in the media is right or wrong. The beliefs people have about pornography are diverse. The therapist can work through the beliefs of the individual and the shared or differing beliefs of the couple to enhance understanding and hence the couple relationship.

I have a respectful, professional and non judgemental approach to this topic and can contribute to the changes you need to lead a fulfilled and productive life.

If you would like help with any habits that are affecting your productivity or relationship, feel free to consult with me to get started on the right path for your future happiness, the happiness of your partner and the happiness of you as a couple.

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