What happens in a session

Fifty minutes to an hour is set aside for a session.

I have a friendly and welcoming manner. Tea, coffee or water are always on offer. After a warm greeting, I get straight down to the topic you have come along to discuss and will endeavour to use the time efficiently in order to help you.

During the consultation I take a medical history take and ask about any social or lifestyle topics relevant to your issue. The conversation then progresses to the main themes requiring attention and exploration in aiming to help you with your particular concerns. I have described my therapy style in ‘My Approach’. Please refer to the ‘Privacy Policy’ to read about privacy in relation to your personal information and my hand written consultation notes.

Any physical examination I perform is for purposes of education, diagnosis and assessment of medical conditions. This is discussed to ensure that you are comfortable to give your consent. When your GP or specialist has done an adequate physical assessment, this does not necessarily need to be repeated by me. There are a number of problems people present with that do not require a physical check.

I adhere to all professional and ethical rules. No procedures are of a sexual nature.

Toward the end of a session I usually discuss some ideas that you may like to focus on – these are aimed at helping you to move towards solutions, NOT getting bogged down in the analysis or re-hashing of problems.

When it comes to the end of a session, I will give you a general guide as to the best time frame to leave before booking another appointment. There is no pressure to book in again. I am keen to see people resolve their concerns but I do not make rules about the timing of follow up sessions. Most sexual or relationship concerns do need more than one visit for improvements.

Testosterone and the Ageing Man

Testosterone is the hormone required for men to feel …..   Some of the following points may surprise you: More …

desire concerns, sexual therapy

Dr Tudor is a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine

Dr Marie Tudor has attended many sexuality, sex therapy, family therapy and hypnosis trainings over the last 31 years. She …

Testosterone: Men and Ageing

Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women, although men have much higher levels of testosterone than women. …