Tag: <span>sexual health</span>

desire concerns, sexual therapy

Dr Tudor is a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine

Dr Marie Tudor has attended many sexuality, sex therapy, family therapy and hypnosis trainings over the last 31 years. She has taught the topic ‘Sexuality and Disease’ to medical students at the University of Adelaide over many years. In early 2016 Dr Tudor passed a post graduate Sexual Medicine exam in Madrid for urologists, gynaecologists and general medical practitioners from all around the world specialising in sexual medicine. Dr Tudor is now a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine.

In October 2019 Dr Tudor attended a 10 day advanced training in Budapest for sexual medicine specialists from around the world. This was conducted by the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM). By attending these advanced trainings, Dr Tudor ensures that she is up to date with the latest sex and sexuality treatments and therapies for her clients.

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sex can be good for your health

Sex is good for your health

How often are we reminded about the ‘dangers’ of sex? It can start at school when messages about sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) and unplanned pregnancies are emphasised rather than the pleasures that can be experienced during sex. People are often fearful of returning to their usual sex lives after heart attacks or strokes. Many people with very serious or life threatening illnesses have told me their questions about sexual problems were swept aside as their medical needs were seen as more pressing by their specialists.

At the 22nd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health in Singapore (July 2015) a whole symposium was dedicated to: ‘The Health Benefits of Sexual Expression’.

Dr Woet L. Gianotten of De Trappenberg, Centre for Physical Rehabilitation, Huizen, the Netherlands spoke of our need as health professionals to view the health benefits of sexuality rather than just dealing with the associated diseases and problems.

Dr Gianotten and his team analysed all available journal articles that examined the potential long-term benefits of sexual expression.

These are some of the aspects of sexuality or sexual experience that were found to be beneficial for physical health:

  • increased longevity for men who have more frequent intercourse and for women with a greater past enjoyment of sexual intercourse.
  • a decrease in cardiovascular ‘events’; an Israeli study found that women with ‘poor sex lives’ were more prone to have heart attacks
  • a (5%) decrease in prostate cancer for men who had a history of more frequent ejaculations
  • a decrease in vaginal atrophy (‘thinning and drying) for post menopausal women who continue to have intercourse
  • a slowing down of cognitive decline
  • contact with semen was found to be ‘mood enhancing’
  • a study in Japan found that intimate kissing reduced the incidence of allergic skin conditions
  • he release of the neurotransmitter ‘Oxytocin’ (during massage, touch, breast stimulation and sex) can increase one’s pain threshold, reduce anxiety levels as well as giving a feeling of closeness and trust with one’s partner.
  • the endorphins (opiate related ‘happy hormones’ released during genital stimulation can also increase pain thresholds, hence reducing the experience of pain
  • Orgasm has been found to relieve 50% of migraines (I’m already in pain, why not have sex – it may help!!)
  • More frequent sex may help menstrual cycles for a particular woman
  • more sex in pregnancy can result in a reduced incidence of premature AND delayed deliveries AND a better quality of the post partum relationship of the couple

Dr Gianotten’s conclusion was that ‘sexuality is more healthy than dangerous’!

We need to view sex and sexuality with these positive messages in mind. If you are concerned about your health and your sexual experience and are unsure about the best way to seek help, please feel free to contact me via Email, leave a message for me to return a call to you or by booking in for an appointment.


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desire concerns, sexual therapy

Dr Tudor is a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine

Dr Marie Tudor has attended many sexuality, sex therapy, family therapy and hypnosis trainings over the last 31 years. She …

Testosterone: Men and Ageing

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